The Russian Wind Industry Association actively cooperates with Russian universities that train specialists for the wind energy industry and renewable energy in general. Cooperation allows members of the association to keep abreast of scientific research in the field of renewable energy, which is carried out by young scientists, and regularly receive information about domestic innovative developments. On the eve of the end of the academic year, the RAWI team decided to help graduates of 2022 navigate in the choice of an educational institution and future profession. For those who plan to connect their lives with renewable energy, the RAWI has prepared a selection of undergraduate and graduate educational programs offered by RAWI member universities.
- Kazan State Power Engineering University (KSUE) – Bachelor’s degree in Electric Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering. Renewable Energy Sources”.
- Ulyanovsk State Technical University (UlSTU) – Bachelor’s degree in Wind Energy Systems and Complexes
- National Research University “MPEI” – Bachelor’s and Master’s program “Hydroelectric Power Plants”, Bachelor’s and Master’s program “Unconventional and Renewable Energy Sources”.
- Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU) – Master’s program “Design of Renewable Energy Facilities Based on Digital Technologies”.
- South Ural State University (SUSU) — Master’s program ‘Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering. Integrated use of renewable energy sources”.
- Russian State University of Oil and Gas (NRU) named after. I. M. Gubkina – Master’s program “Renewable Energy Sources”.
At the Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov, there are additional education courses implemented at the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov by employees of the Research Laboratory of Renewable Energy.
- Advanced training program “Methods for assessing renewable energy resources and predicting the energy efficiency of renewable energy installations and systems.
- Professional retraining program “Ecology and rational environmental management” (the program includes the section “Innovative environmental technologies in ecology and environmental management” dedicated to renewable energy).
Once every two years, the Research Laboratory of Renewable Energy of Moscow State University holds scientific and youth schools “Renewable Energy Sources”. In November 2022, it is planned to hold the next XIII scientific and youth school “Renewable Energy Sources”. For full-time students of Lomonosov Moscow State University:
- The course “Renewable Energy Resources” for undergraduates of the Scientific and Educational School of Moscow State University “The Future of the Planet and Global Environmental Changes”, the program “Rational Use of Renewable Natural Resources”.
- The course “Renewable Energy in the Context of Regional Development” for undergraduates of the Department of Environmental Management, Faculty of Geography, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
- Course “Environmental-saving technologies” for undergraduate students of the Kazakhstan branch of the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov.