Renewable energy sources. Physical and technical foundations

Authors: A. da Rosa

ISBN: 978-5-383-00509-5

Number of pages: 702

Year of issue: 2010

The book is devoted to the fundamentals of the conversion of renewable and non-traditional energy sources. The book covers a wide range of energy technologies for converting solar energy, wind energy, biomass, wave and tide energy, and ocean energy. All chapters of the book are equipped with a large number of tasks for self-solving, which makes it a unique source for self-education. For students and teachers of engineering physics and energy faculties, researchers and developers, energy specialists.

Table of contents:

Chapter 1. General concepts

Chapter 2. Fundamentals of thermodynamics and kinetic theory of gases

Chapter 3. Mechanical heat engines

Chapter 4 Ocean thermal power converters

Chapter 5. Thermoelectricity

Chapter 6. Thermionic transducers

Chapter 7. Fuel Cells

Chapter 8. Getting hydrogen

Chapter 9. Hydrogen storage

Chapter 10. Solar radiation

Chapter 11. Biomass

Chapter 12. Photovoltaic converters

Chapter 13. Wind power

Chapter 14. Ocean energy converters